Friday, 6 November 2009

Away for the Weekend

I am away down to my eldest daughter's home tomorrow morning with my baby daughter and family.
We are going for my eldest grandson's EIGHTEENTH birthday...
I still remember the day he was born like it was yesterday!!  It is so scarey how fast time is flying.

Matthew is a darling boy who still loves to give his grandma big hugs and I adore him.

His dad is in the RAF and they are based down in Hampshire which is a four hour drive from here. When he was born and while they were waiting for married quarters Matthew and his mum lived with me and my then husband until he was six months old. He was an utter joy as a baby and still is.  He would squirm with embarrassment if he could see what I am writing.

When they got their quarters my daughter left Matthew with us for a week while she and Paul set up home.  We took Matthew down to them on July 4th Independence Day. When we left the following day, we drove from the base with tears blinding us, so much so my husband had to pull into a lay-by and we sobbed in each others arms.  Annie Lennox was on the radio singing "An Angel Playing with My Heart" and even to this day when I hear that song I cry.

But the music that really reminds me of Matthew is Glen Miller's "In The Mood" he loved that tune and loved to be danced around the room be either grandad or me or both of us at the same time.  The giggles and chuckles from that wee boy were magical. I still say it is the best sound in the world, a childs laughter.

I have some really happy memories of this wonderful young man growing up and I almost burst with pride when I think of him. They say you shouldn't have favourites and I don't. Though I do have special feeling for Matthew the first of the next generation of my family entering adulthood on Sunday November 8th .

I hope to make good choices over the weekend, I am choosing to enjoy my daughters, sons in law and grandchildren.  It is a shame the whole family will not be there but I will enjoy those who are.

Food today so far is good...800 calories so far.

Have a great weekend, I am planning to.


Fat[free]Me said...

Have a lovely time - eighteen, eh? They grow up so quick!

divad said...

There's nothing like the love of a family. I hope those good choices were easy to make for you!