Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Weight In Wednesday Day 36/90

Not sleeping again, so my weigh in is a couple of hour's earlier than usual.

Just one pound lost this week, it will be much more next week, when I am really in the groove.

Here is my new buddy, a new pedometer which with be chivvying me along into 10,000 steps and more, starting today. The Wii is getting pulled out from it's hiding place too. Then it is back to the gym at the weekend.   I need to get back in the groove and shrug of this flabby, floppy feeling I have had for the past week or so. 
I have just looked outside after hearing Manchester Airport is Closed due to snow.  We have thick snow, looking very pretty, but falling onto old ice it is going to be treacherous getting to work today.  The news is saying most councils have run out of grit....HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
We British are Never prepared  for bad weather!!!


Sean Anderson said...

Congratulations my friend! Every pound is a step in the right direction, you know that! I can't stand winter, I hope you're able to get out and about today. My best always Sheilagh!


F. McButter Pants said...

Way to go on the loss. I just got on the scale myself and thought I might cry. I need to drink alot of H2O today. Official WI is Wed....but I have another 24 hours here in the states.

I am here in the desert. I would love to be where there is snow. The grass is always greener, right?? I grew up in snow, but it has been along time since I've had to shovel snow.

You're doing great! Keep up the good work.

Tina xx said...

Keep up the good work Sheilagh !! Maybe I will invest in one of those too...it might help to get might fat butt on the move again !! x

VRaz60 said...

Hey a pound is a pound, right? You're on the right side...you're losing. There is a great deal of snow around me, too. Almost 30" on the ground currently, 6º or less most days, and extra snow on the way today or tomorrow. Winter is just miserable, isn't it? People are laughing about global warming, when what it really is, is climate change. And I wish it would change, RIGHT NOW.

accidental carer said...

It's Tuesday?? Have you changed your weigh in day or have I missed something? Well done anyway you are back on track. Only noticed the day because if it was Wednesday I should be in London and we still have the journey to face tomorrow!! Hope to get there ; think here to Bangor may be the difficult bit. Phil wants to take us so I don't have to park the car overnight but then I will be worried about him getting home. Taxi is about £35 so think I will just get Penny out and set off. Wish me luck xx Love you whatever day it is!!!! xxxx

Friend of the Bear said...

Well done on losing that pound Sheilagh! Sounds like you are very much back in the groove already.

Bearfriend xx