Last time I looked it was Friday evening and now it is Sunday evening!!
It's been a great weekend but gone so fast.
My Two J's came for a crafting day on Saturday, we were supposed to finish of their
Mother's Day gifts but it looks like we will need
a couple of after school sessions. We are part way therebut still some work to do before assembling them. But we
had loads of fun and lots of giggles and laughter, the best tonic in the world. If I could bottle it, I would be richer than
The Coca Cola Company.
Here are a couple of pictures of the girls work space's, not too messy really. You should see it when I am working on a project....
Today was Ralph's day, he is on his short weekend so as he had to cope with the girls and myself yesterday. I said he could choose what we do today. He suggested Cheshire Oak's Outlet Village.... Yes my husband wanted to go shopping...I love this man!!
We had a very nice time, three hours wondering around the shops, stopping for coffee at Starbucks, have missed that since Borders closed. We bought a few bit's and pieces and I got an early birthday present. I have been looking for a new handbag that would do me for work and for weekends and I found it today.

I have never had a handbag that came in it's own bag.
It is the beautiful red colour in the blurred photo, the other two look brown, but the light in the bedroom was not very bright when Ralph
I am not the type of person who talks about money anf the cost of things
but I will just say the most expensive bag I have ever bought myself was £39.00. This bag was more than three times that. I am still in shock and not sure I can use it for work, but if I don't it defeats the reasons for buying it in the first place.

Ralph has just looked over my shoulder as I am typing and said "It is for everyday use and I am worth it"....I love that man:o)

Mood = Great
Food = Will be Better
Today I am Grateful for:
The priveledge of enjoying my hobbies and sharing with my grandchildren.
The knowledge that I have family and very dear friends I can count on.
The generosity of heart and mind and wallet of my darling husband.